I have looking around the Internet for cool visuals. Stuff I can post on here or use a screen savor. And in reality not a whole lot has come up. I am looking for new fresh material, so Banksy and Obey and Neckface are not as fresh as they once were just because I know what I am looking for. I have found some really cool stuff but by far my favorite stuff right now are toys that I am finding. They are mostly vinyl toys that are sold in hipster boutiques but I think they are really cool. I would buy them but they are freaking expensive. We are talking between $20-$100 a pop easy, and those aren't the rare or large ones. Oh well one day when I am twenty-five and a multimillionaire with nothing else to spend my money on and all other problems are solved, I will buy them. Until then I will just post pictures.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
4 Down, 48 to Go
Book: Best American Non-Required Reading 2006
Album: Endtroducing - DJ Shadow
I picked up this book over Christmas break at the Spectrum Barnes and Noble with Shareen. It was recommended by an employee who also flagged Best American Comics which I had just recently finished. I had heard mixed reviews about this book, but I read the introduction by Matt Groening and decided to give it a shot. The introduction is very funny, which is of little surprise. Groening being the founder of the Simpsons, Futurerama and the comic My Life in Hell is a very smart and funny guy. So I ended up buying this and Skinny Bitch for Shareen.
What was surprising was how much I liked the collection of stories. The fiction in the book was not as good as the non-fiction. One story from the New Yorker further confirmed that the New Yorker needs to be shut down. However the nonfiction was both interesting and topical. From travels in North Korea, to the aftermath of Katrina on New Orleans, to Martyrdom in the middle east, to the creation of Dubai all of these stories kept my interest. The highlight of the book to me was from Kurt Vonnegut. It was from his book A Man Without a Country and was all about fiction. I highly recommend reading it. And Dallas this short piece absolutely sums up your class.
Endtroducing has quickly become one of my favorite albums. And like the book it is entirely a compilation. DJ Shadow mixed, scratched, and sampled god only knows how many albums to create an entirely new album. The album is part electronic part hip-hop and part soul. When put together it creates its own style that makes you sit down and listen. "Building Steam With a Grain of Salt" is probably my favorite track off the album.
Bonus Book: Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
OK there is a reason that this is not its own separate entry in the 52, its because I started to read this last semester and then stopped with like 40 pages to go. No idea why I stopped I mean it is not a hard read. Well I saw the book in my room and had just written the review to Non-Required and decided to finish it. And ultimately I felt that Slaughterhouse was not as good as everyone claims it to be. I liked it well enough but I felt that Cats Cradle or Sirens of Titans were better. They were funnier and smarter than Slaughterhouse. That is just my personal opinion however. I do recognize the literary merits of the story and that Vonnegut certainly pushed the envelope with the book.
Album: Endtroducing - DJ Shadow
I picked up this book over Christmas break at the Spectrum Barnes and Noble with Shareen. It was recommended by an employee who also flagged Best American Comics which I had just recently finished. I had heard mixed reviews about this book, but I read the introduction by Matt Groening and decided to give it a shot. The introduction is very funny, which is of little surprise. Groening being the founder of the Simpsons, Futurerama and the comic My Life in Hell is a very smart and funny guy. So I ended up buying this and Skinny Bitch for Shareen.
What was surprising was how much I liked the collection of stories. The fiction in the book was not as good as the non-fiction. One story from the New Yorker further confirmed that the New Yorker needs to be shut down. However the nonfiction was both interesting and topical. From travels in North Korea, to the aftermath of Katrina on New Orleans, to Martyrdom in the middle east, to the creation of Dubai all of these stories kept my interest. The highlight of the book to me was from Kurt Vonnegut. It was from his book A Man Without a Country and was all about fiction. I highly recommend reading it. And Dallas this short piece absolutely sums up your class.
Endtroducing has quickly become one of my favorite albums. And like the book it is entirely a compilation. DJ Shadow mixed, scratched, and sampled god only knows how many albums to create an entirely new album. The album is part electronic part hip-hop and part soul. When put together it creates its own style that makes you sit down and listen. "Building Steam With a Grain of Salt" is probably my favorite track off the album.
Bonus Book: Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
OK there is a reason that this is not its own separate entry in the 52, its because I started to read this last semester and then stopped with like 40 pages to go. No idea why I stopped I mean it is not a hard read. Well I saw the book in my room and had just written the review to Non-Required and decided to finish it. And ultimately I felt that Slaughterhouse was not as good as everyone claims it to be. I liked it well enough but I felt that Cats Cradle or Sirens of Titans were better. They were funnier and smarter than Slaughterhouse. That is just my personal opinion however. I do recognize the literary merits of the story and that Vonnegut certainly pushed the envelope with the book.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
So I have deiced that being a folk/rockstars son is the way to go. Probably folk star just cause they seem to put out better albums. Seriously Rufus Wainwright, Teddy Thompson and now Liam Finn. Liam Finn is the son of Neil Finn from crowded house. His new album I'll be Lightening is quite good. Not Bad, Not great, but not bad. Has plenty of good songs and a good sound. Sort of a blend of Broken Social Scene with Crowded House. You can certainly hear his dads influence and that is a good thing. He joined the ranks of other rock kids who make good albums: Teddy Thompson and Rufus Wainwright. Maybe not as good as Paste claims but it is solid. It reminds me quite a bit of Teddy Thompson's album Separate Ways crossed with Kevin Drew's Spirit If. It goes from quiet and acoustic to louder and noisy, never quite rocking but not just noise either. I highly recommend it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Suburban Noise
Suburban Noise: Theoretical Heat
Down The Line 3:11 José González
Jigsaw Falling Into Place 4:09 Radiohead
Mistaken For Strangers 3:31 The National
I Don't Blame You 3:05 Cat Power
1 2 3 4 3:04 Feist
Rag & Bone 3:48 The White Stripes
Snow Tip Cap Mountain 2:15 The Octopus Project
The Past Is A Grotesque Animal 11:53 Of Montreal
California Girls 3:00 The Magnetic Fields
Backed Out On The... 4:16 Broken Social Scene Presents Kevin Drew
23 5:19 Blonde Redhead
Tonto 7:43 Battles
Lets see if this mix and if my ass won't get sued
DivShare File - Suburban Noise 1.m4a
Down The Line 3:11 José González
Jigsaw Falling Into Place 4:09 Radiohead
Mistaken For Strangers 3:31 The National
I Don't Blame You 3:05 Cat Power
1 2 3 4 3:04 Feist
Rag & Bone 3:48 The White Stripes
Snow Tip Cap Mountain 2:15 The Octopus Project
The Past Is A Grotesque Animal 11:53 Of Montreal
California Girls 3:00 The Magnetic Fields
Backed Out On The... 4:16 Broken Social Scene Presents Kevin Drew
23 5:19 Blonde Redhead
Tonto 7:43 Battles
Lets see if this mix and if my ass won't get sued
DivShare File - Suburban Noise 1.m4a
Visual Arts
So in case you all did not notice I added some links to other blogs that I read regularly. I will be reposting content from them. Mostly reposting visuals since I like graffiti/street art quite a bit and there isn't any here in Oxford really. And I can make my own comments on the music side fo stuff. Anyway I think these are some of the best and highly recommend you check them out if you are in the mood.

Personal fave at the moment: Mumbleville
Dude this is the coolest thing ever. Its like a Toy Machine comic. I freaking love this style. Anyway I like comics way too much, but I guess it is healthier than crack.
Dude this is the coolest thing ever. Its like a Toy Machine comic. I freaking love this style. Anyway I like comics way too much, but I guess it is healthier than crack.

Anyway thought this would be cool stuff. Visuals just for fun. If you own these visuals and want them taken down please contact me. That is all have a good day.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Oh Ya Oh No
Ok so some news that was released today...
First this Sunday I am going to see Band of Horses I am excited. I like that band a lot obvious since they were in 2007's top ten for both songs and albums.
Second on April 5th Andrew Bird and Grizzly Bear are playing Cincinnati I am excited not sure if the rest of you care but whateves
Then there is this:

Ya it is pretty massive and good. It lacks some of the superstars of other years but I am a fan. So here is a breakdown on who I plan to see:
Friday - Raconteurs, The National, Aesop Rock, Animal Collective, Spank Rock, Battles, Black Lips, Vampire Weekend, Dan Deacon, Architecture in Helsinki, Professor Murder
Mum and Fatboy Slim would be interesting to see. I have no interest in the verve, madness or Tegan and Sara. Jack Johnson is an odd choice for a headliner.
Saturday - Portishead, Kraftwerk, Death Cab, MIA, Hot Chip, Cold War Kids, DeVotchKa, Mark Ronson, the Teenagers, Bonde Do Role, Akron/Family, MGMT, New Young Pony Club, 120 Days
Probably the weakest day. Certainly the day that I love the fewest bands. Friday I will be forced to choose between bands that I would die to see, today I will roam around looking for my new favorite band. Stephen Malkmus would be good to see since I like pavement a lot but I don't know his new music.
Sunday - My Morning Jacket, Justice, The Field, The Streets, Cool Kids, Booka Shade, Simian Mobile Disco, Autolux, Black Kids, holy fuck, Shout Out Louds
The day that I spent in the dance tent. Seriously Jusice, the Field, Booka Shade and Simian Mobile Disco all great dance music. Kinda wish that Oakenfold, Van Dyke or Teisto were also there just to get my trance on but this will suffice. I would be excited for Dark Side of the Moon if it were Pink Floyd, not Roger Waters solo.
First this Sunday I am going to see Band of Horses I am excited. I like that band a lot obvious since they were in 2007's top ten for both songs and albums.
Second on April 5th Andrew Bird and Grizzly Bear are playing Cincinnati I am excited not sure if the rest of you care but whateves
Then there is this:
Ya it is pretty massive and good. It lacks some of the superstars of other years but I am a fan. So here is a breakdown on who I plan to see:
Friday - Raconteurs, The National, Aesop Rock, Animal Collective, Spank Rock, Battles, Black Lips, Vampire Weekend, Dan Deacon, Architecture in Helsinki, Professor Murder
Mum and Fatboy Slim would be interesting to see. I have no interest in the verve, madness or Tegan and Sara. Jack Johnson is an odd choice for a headliner.
Saturday - Portishead, Kraftwerk, Death Cab, MIA, Hot Chip, Cold War Kids, DeVotchKa, Mark Ronson, the Teenagers, Bonde Do Role, Akron/Family, MGMT, New Young Pony Club, 120 Days
Probably the weakest day. Certainly the day that I love the fewest bands. Friday I will be forced to choose between bands that I would die to see, today I will roam around looking for my new favorite band. Stephen Malkmus would be good to see since I like pavement a lot but I don't know his new music.
Sunday - My Morning Jacket, Justice, The Field, The Streets, Cool Kids, Booka Shade, Simian Mobile Disco, Autolux, Black Kids, holy fuck, Shout Out Louds
The day that I spent in the dance tent. Seriously Jusice, the Field, Booka Shade and Simian Mobile Disco all great dance music. Kinda wish that Oakenfold, Van Dyke or Teisto were also there just to get my trance on but this will suffice. I would be excited for Dark Side of the Moon if it were Pink Floyd, not Roger Waters solo.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A Return of Sorts
Ok so I have been blogging about the 52 and a couple other things here and there but I have not given you guys what you want most...a playlist. (Feel My Heat) hasn't return yet, it will almost certainly be back next week. So since I am not spinning records tonight I figure the least I can do is give you a playlist. A list of what I am playing and what I bought recently and playing heavily. So here we go:
(feel my theoretical heat):
Jose Gonzalez - Down the Line
Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling into Place
The National - Mistaken for Strangers
Cat Power - I Don't Blame You
Feist - 1234
White Stripes - Rag and Bone
Octopus Project - Snow Tip Cap Mountain
Of Montreal - Past is a Grotesque Animal
Magnetic Fields - California Girls
Kevin Drew - Backed Out On the...
Blonde Redhead - 23
Battles - Tonto
In other news, the best new music committee is up and running and I am still amazed at the number of sucky cd's there are. Seriously half of the albums I got this time sucked and I am upset about this. So from now on only artists I like can make albums.
I went to the basketball game today. Miami was playing SUNY Buffalo which makes me laugh since the two schools are far away and the conference is 90% Ohio schools seemingly. Anyway the thing that shocked me most is that I believe either Mater Dei or Santa Margarita could have beat both teams, or at least been competitive with them. It was a kind of boring game but it was fun to go out and do something.
(feel my theoretical heat):
Jose Gonzalez - Down the Line
Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling into Place
The National - Mistaken for Strangers
Cat Power - I Don't Blame You
Feist - 1234
White Stripes - Rag and Bone
Octopus Project - Snow Tip Cap Mountain
Of Montreal - Past is a Grotesque Animal
Magnetic Fields - California Girls
Kevin Drew - Backed Out On the...
Blonde Redhead - 23
Battles - Tonto
In other news, the best new music committee is up and running and I am still amazed at the number of sucky cd's there are. Seriously half of the albums I got this time sucked and I am upset about this. So from now on only artists I like can make albums.
I went to the basketball game today. Miami was playing SUNY Buffalo which makes me laugh since the two schools are far away and the conference is 90% Ohio schools seemingly. Anyway the thing that shocked me most is that I believe either Mater Dei or Santa Margarita could have beat both teams, or at least been competitive with them. It was a kind of boring game but it was fun to go out and do something.
3 Down, 49 To Go
Book: Into the Wild - Jon Krakauer
Album: In Our Nature - Jose Gonzalez
Into the Wild is a tough book. Not tough in any of the traditional senses though. It is not conceptually difficult nor is it difficult to read. It evokes an emotion thought that is difficult to place and haunts like a spector over you. Clearly the author relates to McCandless and attempts to convey the feeling that McCandless would have experienced during the story. The author did an admirable job of portraying the story without being heavy handed nor cold and unfeeling.
The book makes me both never want to leave the developed world and completely disappear. The boy's story is at once compelling and frustrating. Demonstrating the stuborness that people have inside them and how some absolutely refuse to back down from their principles. However there is something inspirational about how McCandless refused to give up on his principles and how he wanted to return to nature. He was able to survive for much longer than I expected and was able to succeed in conditions I doubt I could.
In Our Nature is the back to basics approach that McCandless certainly agreed with. An album composed of just a guy and his guitar. The songs are largely about peoples own selfishness and greed, anti-war and anti-suffering style songs. Yet the songs do not come off as preachy. Maybe it is the fact Gonzalez is more subtle and less blatant than most other singer songwriters. Either way this albums feeling and sound leaves an impression similar to the book.
Album: In Our Nature - Jose Gonzalez
Into the Wild is a tough book. Not tough in any of the traditional senses though. It is not conceptually difficult nor is it difficult to read. It evokes an emotion thought that is difficult to place and haunts like a spector over you. Clearly the author relates to McCandless and attempts to convey the feeling that McCandless would have experienced during the story. The author did an admirable job of portraying the story without being heavy handed nor cold and unfeeling.
The book makes me both never want to leave the developed world and completely disappear. The boy's story is at once compelling and frustrating. Demonstrating the stuborness that people have inside them and how some absolutely refuse to back down from their principles. However there is something inspirational about how McCandless refused to give up on his principles and how he wanted to return to nature. He was able to survive for much longer than I expected and was able to succeed in conditions I doubt I could.
In Our Nature is the back to basics approach that McCandless certainly agreed with. An album composed of just a guy and his guitar. The songs are largely about peoples own selfishness and greed, anti-war and anti-suffering style songs. Yet the songs do not come off as preachy. Maybe it is the fact Gonzalez is more subtle and less blatant than most other singer songwriters. Either way this albums feeling and sound leaves an impression similar to the book.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
2 Down, 50 To Go
Book: Best American Comics 2007
Album: Hello, Avalanche - The Octopus Project
Since I can remember my Dad has read the Best American Essays and Short Stories compilations. So when I saw that they put out a Best American Comics I had to get on it. I liked it pretty well. It was not amazing but it certainly had some really good comics and things that I want to check out. It gave me a good half dozen books to buy and look for. Most of the stories in the book were not about super heroes or extraordinary feats, but rather everyday life and situations. I also want to read this years Best American Short Stories because I have been told that Stephen Kings complains that the form of short story is dying.
Hello, Avalanche completely compliments the idea of comic book. It is music that is nothing but vibrant colors and fun sounds. Very much like Black Moth Super Rainbow's Dandelion Gum except happier and less deep beats. Also there are no vocals which make you focus on the sound complimenting comic books seeming lack of words and emphasis on art. It is little surprise that this band is currently popular on the blogs and was selected last year to open Coachella. I suggest both very much.
Album: Hello, Avalanche - The Octopus Project
Since I can remember my Dad has read the Best American Essays and Short Stories compilations. So when I saw that they put out a Best American Comics I had to get on it. I liked it pretty well. It was not amazing but it certainly had some really good comics and things that I want to check out. It gave me a good half dozen books to buy and look for. Most of the stories in the book were not about super heroes or extraordinary feats, but rather everyday life and situations. I also want to read this years Best American Short Stories because I have been told that Stephen Kings complains that the form of short story is dying.
Hello, Avalanche completely compliments the idea of comic book. It is music that is nothing but vibrant colors and fun sounds. Very much like Black Moth Super Rainbow's Dandelion Gum except happier and less deep beats. Also there are no vocals which make you focus on the sound complimenting comic books seeming lack of words and emphasis on art. It is little surprise that this band is currently popular on the blogs and was selected last year to open Coachella. I suggest both very much.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Winter Break: Summary
Winter Break is sadly over and it is time to go back to school unfortunately. I want to stay with Shareen and the Fam but I know I have to go back. So I feel it is appropriate to list the important events that happened over the break, or if not important at least memorable. Anyway here are a couple:
- Shareen picking me up from the airport
- Going to the Beach at night
- Finding out I actually went to the entire semester on my last paycheck from work
- The San Diego excursion
- Shareen: Santa's Little Helper
- Colin's Basketball
- Criticizing my Brothers basketball games with my dad
- Playing Guitar Hero with Ethan
- Through the Fire and Flames
- My Grandfather's visit
- The Christmas Tree
- My losing streak with the microwave/murdering of frozen food
- New Year's Rock Band
- Talking about, but never going to, LA and the Desert
- Finding out my grades
- Social Distortion
- Jack Haley
- Coming up with the idea of 52
- "Buying This They Don't Need, For People They Don't Like, and Can Not Really Afford" - The Family Xmas Moto
- South Coast
- Seeing Every Movie Released
- The House Renovation Talk
- Going to Costco with my Mom, a lot
- Talking about, but not actually doing it, driving my car to school
Friday, January 11, 2008
What I Hope To Do
So I know most of you do not think I am going to be able to read a book a week and you are probably right. Right now I am a head of schedule which is easy when you do not have distractions such as class, papers, tests, and failure. Anyway just because this is going to help me keep track of what I actually accomplish vs. what I hope to accomplish here is a partial list of what I want to read in the up coming months:
- 1984
- A Clockwork Orange
- All the Kings Men
- White Noise
- Snow Leopard
- In Cold Blood
- As I Lay Dying
- Even Cow Girls Get the Blues
- Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
- The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century
- Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
- I Just Want My Pants Back
- Electric Church
And then there will be the books I have to read for class and graphic novels I will read. Maybe a couple plays thrown in for good measure or even poetry. Most of those books were started and never finished for one reason or another or I have already read them and want to reread them for various reasons. Anyway I doubt most of these books will ever actually be read but its good to have goals.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Ok so I have been talking about this for a while now but I really do want to open up a record/bookstore in Ohio. I have told people about the idea and they seem supportive. However I am not sure it would work since it is epxensive to start a business and they frequently fail. I would think it would be cool to own/run an indie record store that sold some books with it. Compete with borders by specializing or something. Anyway sort of a dream I have.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
1 Down, 51 to go
Book: Blankets - Craig Thompson
Album: Orphans - Tom Waits
I have been meaning to read this for a long time but never bought the book and finally got it for christmas. As Shareen can tell you I read it really fast. I loved it. All about your first serious romance and falling in love and growing up. I highly recommend it. Plus the art work is amazing. Craig Thompson did the art work for Menomena's latest album. Truly giving new meaning to the idea of a graphic novel.
I have loved Tom Waits for a while but I only recently tried listening to this album again. Good Lord it is good. Listening to Tom Waits is like reading a book. And even those these songs are supposed out takes they are still incredible. I got this album last year for Christmas but never listened to it, just the song "Long Way Home". Now that I have listened to more of it I highly recommend it. It does not exactly go along with the feeling of "Blankets" but it was a new-ish album that I listened to. Plus it was last years Christmas meeting with this years Christmas.
Album: Orphans - Tom Waits
I have been meaning to read this for a long time but never bought the book and finally got it for christmas. As Shareen can tell you I read it really fast. I loved it. All about your first serious romance and falling in love and growing up. I highly recommend it. Plus the art work is amazing. Craig Thompson did the art work for Menomena's latest album. Truly giving new meaning to the idea of a graphic novel.
I have loved Tom Waits for a while but I only recently tried listening to this album again. Good Lord it is good. Listening to Tom Waits is like reading a book. And even those these songs are supposed out takes they are still incredible. I got this album last year for Christmas but never listened to it, just the song "Long Way Home". Now that I have listened to more of it I highly recommend it. It does not exactly go along with the feeling of "Blankets" but it was a new-ish album that I listened to. Plus it was last years Christmas meeting with this years Christmas.
Birthday, Sucker Punches and Growing Up
My birthday was ok. I turned 20 which was cool but I mean hardly noteworthy really. I went out to lunch which was nice, good to talk to Taylor without Julian. The family dinner was good, despite what my mom thinks. Ethan got me gifts that I literally handed to him. Shareen gave me a really cool graffiti book, it will appear in the 52. What was noteworthy was that I got my nose busted during Social Distortion.
Shareen very sweetly bought me tickets to them. And I went and saw the show. At the start of "Mommy's Little Monster" I ran to the pit and was able to make one circle before a skinhead punched me in the face. It felt like my nose broke, I couldn't see and was suddenly really dizzy, and then I started to bleed. Anyway I missed about a third of the show and never went back downstairs.
At the show I realized I was growing up. The songs now longer meant much to me and the themes were no longer applicable really. The idea of no future and embracing failure and that you maybe be smart but I am tough, never really described me and do even less now. I have a future, I have not failed so far, I have not screwed up, and I am both smart and fairly tough. At least tough enough to be punched my a nazi at a concert.
Shareen very sweetly bought me tickets to them. And I went and saw the show. At the start of "Mommy's Little Monster" I ran to the pit and was able to make one circle before a skinhead punched me in the face. It felt like my nose broke, I couldn't see and was suddenly really dizzy, and then I started to bleed. Anyway I missed about a third of the show and never went back downstairs.
At the show I realized I was growing up. The songs now longer meant much to me and the themes were no longer applicable really. The idea of no future and embracing failure and that you maybe be smart but I am tough, never really described me and do even less now. I have a future, I have not failed so far, I have not screwed up, and I am both smart and fairly tough. At least tough enough to be punched my a nazi at a concert.
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