Monday, November 28, 2005

holy shit

Ever have those moments, the moment where you read or see something and the pen drops out of your mouth? I had it a minute ago, I was reading a persons blog and Listening to a song by Ben Lee. Ben Lee is a very good Australian musician but is not well known. Any way as I was listeing to it and reading this kids blog about how he does not have adventerous music tastes, I read that he likes a song by Ben Lee. Thus reminding me that people do know about artists I love. And these aren't artists like the Rolling Stones or the Clash who everyone knows about. Lee is a truely indie artist.
I don't normally consider myself an elitest. I do not look down on the girl in the mall buying the 50 cent album or Fall out Boy or whatever MTV is playing because they don't know any better. Most peoples parnets have terrible taste, while mine have better taste but not great. To prove this I am willing to challenge everyone to have thier parnets name a song by Joy Division or if they have ever seen the Meat Puppets preform. It has just been my environment. I mean for god sake my dadvought me Joe Jackson's Look Sharp in 7th grade because he knew that I would like it as a freshman. My mom and I sang Frank Zappa on the way to a horse show the other day, if that isn't cool then I dont know what is. Anyway as I was reading this kids list I was seeing artists that I expected Damien Rice, Death Cab for Cutie, Iron and Wine, etc. and then there was Ben Lee. I was shocked and a little upset since I wanted him to be my kinda secret kinda public, personal band. And when I saw that I knew he could no longer be this.

More importantly I have a long red mark on my brand new pink polo.

Ps. If you don't knwo any of the artists in the blog don't worry your not alone most people don't

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