Tuesday, September 16, 2008

(feel my heat): Ted Leo

Ted Leo is one of my favorite modern artists.  Anyone who listens to the show, knows that I like and play him frequently.  He writes impassioned and political songs, that are still pop songs.  He blends his influences quite well: hardcore punk, ska and reggae, literate pop and old fashion rock.  When you see him play live it is just a trio.  His album "Shake the Sheets" might be my favorite album of the last five years.  Last years "Living with the Living" was like a punk version of Armed Forces.  

Anyway, he has just released a four track EP called Rapid Response.  It is in response to the wrongful arrests and police brutality that occurred at the conventions this year.  The proceeds will be donated to Democracy Now! and the Minneapolis chapter of Food Not Bombs.  The two original songs are pretty good, you can certainly hear his rage and frustration loud and clear.  The real winners though are the covers.  I Got Your Number is a great punk song and Leo adds his signature tricks to it.  Nobody's Driving is just Leo on his own and the song is better than the original for it.  Go buy this EP if you like Leo or just want to support the cause.

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