Henry Rollins is a guy I have dug for a while. I got my first black flag record in seventh grade. I think I like it more now then I did then. Back then it was too intense and too metal, now it sounds more of what I am looking for. I am getting deeper into Black Flag's catologue and finding other good records/songs. Rollins hosts a great show on Indie 103.1, I forget the title of it. I know it used to be Harmony in My Head. His IFC tv show is pretty good as well. Rollins is also similar to me, personality wise. He is a vegetarian, works out (something I should do more often than I am currently), and really funny but very dark. Below is an except of an interview he did with Time Out New York:
Isn’t dubbing your election-themed tour “Recountdown” a little cynical?
It’s my last time to be on stage with Bush being around. That doesn’t really affect the show, but I didn’t want to be sitting at home or at the office with this one last shot to be onstage while he’s in office, because he and I have done so much time together. The reason I called the tour “Recountdown” is that I think we’re counting down to the next big argument. And I think the election will be pretty close. If it were truly a fair election, it probably wouldn’t be, but I think the Republicans, truth be known, cheat. The ACORN thing is a good try on McCain’s behalf, but no one’s buying it. No one is buying the Ayers thing.… So, I do think that they’ll have to resort to cheating to try and win, or at least make it a close election, because I think Barack is pulling away.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do when Bush leaves office?
Well, for me, it’s not one of those "ding-dong, the witch is dead" situations. I know some people are going to feel like that. Imagine coming home to your house and a tornado has gone through it. And you walk around, and all your stuff is broken, and you go, Oh, this sucks, but hey the tornado is gone, so let’s party. Well, what’s there to party with, everything is broken? Bush and his cronies did a great job of taking your tax money and giving it to their friends