Monday, October 27, 2008

18 Down, 34 To Go

Book: Dharma Punx - Noah Levine
Album: ...And Out Come the Wolves - Rancid

Dharma Punx is the memoir of Noah Levine. He is a former Junkie and Prisoner, life long punk and recent buddhism teacher. His life sounds incredible from the desperation of addiction to the inner peace he has achieved. The story was a little repetitive but still very interesting. I really enjoyed the discussions about his travels around Asia and learning about the various disciplines of Buddhism. The book corresponds to a similar point I am at. I am somewhat frustrated with the world and the suffering that is going on. I am considering studying buddhism, hopefully it will help me make sense of what's going on.

...And Out Come the Wolves is one of the best and most timeless punk records ever released. In many ways it is the next generations answer to London Calling. I haven't listened to Rancid in a long time but when I put on this record I am able to sing along to every song. I might not be able to a cappella each song, but certainly know all the words when I hear the music. Lars from Rancid is good friends with Levine, and is one of the Dharma Punx.

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