Thursday, October 30, 2008

(feel my heat): Henry Rollins

Henry Rollins is a guy I have dug for a while.  I got my first black flag record in seventh grade.  I think I like it more now then I did then.  Back then it was too intense and too metal, now it sounds more of what I am looking for.  I am getting deeper into Black Flag's catologue and finding other good records/songs.  Rollins hosts a great show on Indie 103.1, I forget the title of it.  I know it used to be Harmony in My Head.  His IFC tv show is pretty good as well.  Rollins is also similar to me, personality wise.  He is a vegetarian, works out (something I should do more often than I am currently), and really funny but very dark.   Below is an except of an interview he did with Time Out New York:

Isn’t dubbing your election-themed tour “Recountdown” a little cynical?
It’s my last time to be on stage with Bush being around. That doesn’t really affect the show, but I didn’t want to be sitting at home or at the office with this one last shot to be onstage while he’s in office, because he and I have done so much time together. The reason I called the tour “Recountdown” is that I think we’re counting down to the next big argument. And I think the election will be pretty close. If it were truly a fair election, it probably wouldn’t be, but I think the Republicans, truth be known, cheat. The ACORN thing is a good try on McCain’s behalf, but no one’s buying it. No one is buying the Ayers thing.… So, I do think that they’ll have to resort to cheating to try and win, or at least make it a close election, because I think Barack is pulling away.

What’s the first thing you’re going to do when Bush leaves office?
Well, for me, it’s not one of those "ding-dong, the witch is dead" situations. I know some people are going to feel like that. Imagine coming home to your house and a tornado has gone through it. And you walk around, and all your stuff is broken, and you go, Oh, this sucks, but hey the tornado is gone, so let’s party. Well, what’s there to party with, everything is broken? Bush and his cronies did a great job of taking your tax money and giving it to their friends

Monday, October 27, 2008

18 Down, 34 To Go

Book: Dharma Punx - Noah Levine
Album: ...And Out Come the Wolves - Rancid

Dharma Punx is the memoir of Noah Levine. He is a former Junkie and Prisoner, life long punk and recent buddhism teacher. His life sounds incredible from the desperation of addiction to the inner peace he has achieved. The story was a little repetitive but still very interesting. I really enjoyed the discussions about his travels around Asia and learning about the various disciplines of Buddhism. The book corresponds to a similar point I am at. I am somewhat frustrated with the world and the suffering that is going on. I am considering studying buddhism, hopefully it will help me make sense of what's going on.

...And Out Come the Wolves is one of the best and most timeless punk records ever released. In many ways it is the next generations answer to London Calling. I haven't listened to Rancid in a long time but when I put on this record I am able to sing along to every song. I might not be able to a cappella each song, but certainly know all the words when I hear the music. Lars from Rancid is good friends with Levine, and is one of the Dharma Punx.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

17 Down, 35 To Go

Book: Notes From Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Album:  Darkside of the Moon - Pink Floyd

I just finished reading Notes From Underground.  It was assigned for a class.  I am not sure what I think about it.  The narrator is unlikeable, the text was dense, and I am unsure what the point of the novel was.  The first part of the book was entirely philosophical, the second part certainly explained why the underground man developed these philosophies, but it never seemed compelling.  I think the goal was not to create a likable book but to present a glimpse of society that we tend to ignore.  The underground man seems to unreliable and unstable to be trusted, but does not seem to be actually "crazy".  Ultimately, I am too conflicted to either recommend or detract from the book.

Pink Floyd's Darkside of the Moon is all about mental illness.  It seems to fit the themes of the book well.  Although the real draw to the album is not the story but the guitars.  I don't really need to write about this album because everyone who is reading the blog has already heard the album.

16 Down, 36 To Go

Book: Y: the Last Man Series
Album: Radiohead Series

Y: the Last Man series was incredible. The plot is basically exactly what it sounds: the last man on earth attempting to save humanity and meet up with his girlfriend. Yet it was so much more than that. It was funny, full of pop culture references. It was also profound, asking deep philosophical questions. It was more than just a comic, it had real character development and twists. It was philosophical, with out being preachy. I wish that there were more to read. The series ended at the right point though, it ended before the ideas were recycled or uninspired.

The only thing that I could see matching the epic nature of Y is Radiohead. Radiohead is a little more depressed but still the only thing I can think of. Plus they match profound and depressed themes in Y, better than other bands or albums I was thinking about using. It was difficult to pick an album since I have been reading Y: the Last Man for a while now, there were ten books in the series.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Depression Recession

I have a sincere feeling that we are doomed.  This recession seems to becoming something more like a depression.  Seems like everyday the market is dropping another 300 points.  I don't think that either candidate has a grasp on how screwed the nation is at the moment.  The economy doesn't seem like it will ever be able to fully recover.  The debt is exploding, but nothing is being done to correct it.  No candidate seems to want to end the wars, which are exploding the debt killing innocent people and causing nothing but future problems.  Most people don't have health care and yet the government won't universalize health care.  The education system is in the gutter. The environment is being annihilated, with 1 in 4 land animals facing imminent extinction.  The oceans are already monumentally fucked and toxic.   And yet the most important thing on the campaign trail is whether Obama is terrorist and Gay Marriage.