Friday, February 24, 2006

End of an Era

Today was my last basketball game for high school. And there is a good chance it will be my last organized game ever. I am still going to play street ball and open gyms but never again will I play with a referee and uniforms. This might be a sadder occasion if it weren't for the fact I have had such a bad high school career. Freshman year I barely played since I was last man on varsity and midway through the season I was put on Freshman team. Sophomore year I was on JV but the coach and the Team and I were all on different pages and I end up fighting and hating most of the team. Junior year I did not play since I transferred. This last year was fun but I did not have the emotional attachment that Smith or Guerro had. The only high points with my experience has been spring and summer basketball when I played with club teams or at open gyms and was allowed to just have fun. See you at 24 hour fitness.

top 5
1. Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger
2. Rancid - The Wars End
3. Jimmy Cliff - The harder they Come
4. Social Distortion - Telling Them
5. Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sometimes I am a kiss ass

Unfortunately I came much too late to SMES. I would have really liked to have been here for a lot longer. If for no other reason than to have met the Knight brothers. These two guys seem to border on both genius and comically insane. There ideas for blogs and wiki have been both amusing and insightful, a hard combo. Seriously they have taken sarcasm and irony to a level that I can never hope to achieve. I am now done with my unnecessary sucking up.

top 5
Bob Marley- Easy Skanking
Bob Marley - Soul Shakedown Party
Keb' Mo' - Sweet Home Chicago
Keb' Mo' - Dirty Low Down And Bad
Johnny Cash - 25 minutes to go

Friday, February 10, 2006

Ten things

Ten Things

1. The second line of something that I read today:
American History is not begin taught in our schools
-Punishment Park booklet

2. A weekend is complete if I:
Find a new song I like and hang out with friends

3. The favorite placed I've lived:
New York City or Vienna

4. My favorite airport is:
Burlington or Long Beach

5. My least favorite airport is:
John Wayne or Miami

6. IÂ’d like to visit:
London, Boston, or SanFranciscoo

7. IÂ’d like to revisit:
Vienna or Budapest

8. (Can be true) Something I could send to PostSecret:
Somebody got murdered
And it' left me with a touch

9. I envy this blog design:
Kevin Verbal's is suprisingly well done

10. I felt emotional after this movie:
Reservoiror Dogs - Anger
Punishment Park - distrust
Clerks - apathy
Casablanca - Desire
Heathers - hope
Underworld - urge to vomit

Back after our commercial break

Boys basketball won league yesterday.
We are going to playoffs.

Mr. Clemmons made me a bunch of good blues CD's.
They are amazing and if you want them I can burn ya one.

I have applied to college I just have heard back from any.
Which is very unnerving.

Winter formal is tomorrow.
And I am rather uninterested, since I have no date or desire to get dressed up.

top 5 songs
Bottles to the Ground - nofx
do you want to change? - Time Again
Radio Havana - Rancid
Can I borrow some ambition? - Guttermouth
Julies been working for the drug squad - the clash

Back after our commercial break

Boys basketball won league yesterday.
We are going to playoffs.

Mr. Clemmons made me a bunch of good blues CD's.
They are amazing and if you want them I can burn ya one.

I have applied to college I just have heard back from any.
Which is very unnerving.

Winter formal is tomorrow.
And I am rather uninterested, since I have no date or desire to get dressed up.

top 5 songs
Bottles to the Ground - nofx
do you want to change? - Time Again
Radio Havana - Rancid
Can I borrow some ambition? - Guttermouth
Julies been working for the drug squad - the clash