Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dear Summer

So as I write this I am flying to school. Summer is over, back to the grind back to school back to the fake world. Its not that school is fake but there is a false sense of security and, for me at least, a distance from real life. Real Life I do not think has parties, mid-terms, and meal plans. I may very well be wrong, god I hope so. Anyway it is always hard for me to leave home at the end of vacation. If I am in a place for more than two weeks I begin to become settled and attached. My family certainly makes it difficult to break away. Anyway to keep the tradition alive, I here are some of the highlights of this summer:

• Nightmare of You
• Getting into Boston
• Getting Good Grades Second Semester
• Wild Rivers the one time I went even though I bought a season pass
• Costco runs with my mom
• Working as the cheese bitch
• Lunches with Shareen
• Wandering around the spectrum and south coast
• The week of Graduations
• The visit - not a highlight but it gave us all something to talk about
• Visiting Boston
• Tommy and all associated with that
• Lolla
• New York City
• Colin's basketball games
• Ethan getting into Concordia
• The feeling that I never really saw most of my fam since they were out with friends/asleep/working
• Moving E into school
• Batman, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Pineapple Express

All of these and many more. This is in no order. Just what came to mind while I was sitting on the plane, in between episodes of Seinfeld, Snatch and reading Gonzo.

Monday, August 25, 2008

14 down, 38 to go; Work; Venture Brothers; and Boston

Here is the worlds longest blog post. Enjoy!

14 Down, 38 To Go
Book: I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley
Album: The Sun and the Neon Light - Booka Shade

I Was Told There'd Be Cake was an okay collection of essays. It grew on me slowly but surely. The opening chapters were so weak and unfunny that I set it down and nearly didn't pick it up again. I am glad that I did. Around page 75 the essays got better, less princess-y and jew-y. Two big no no's for me. Anyway the stories about Oregon trail, her sick sister and vegetarian lifestyle were both funny and reminded me of things I had done and thought. I am not sure if I would recommend this book as the absolute next thing you should read but if you have a weekend of traveling and want something short and easy to read you could do a lot worse than this book.

The Sun and Neon Light has almost nothing to do with the book. The style is not at all similar. This is my first booka shade album and I was shocked at how un-dancey it is. When I saw these guys at Lolla they brought the bass and the funk. This album has some of that but it is much more of a chill out album. Still it is one of the better albums I have heard this year.

I finished my last day at pavilions today. It was quite a summer job. It taught me a lot about people and what real life is. Here is a hint: it is not last summers job. Real life is working a job and still not being able to afford rent. It about dealing with bitchy customers and idiotic co-workers. The job taught me that most people are lonely and that people will quickly open up to annoy who appears to be interested and nice, even if they guy is trying to sell you a piece of brie that cost more than two gallons of gas. I also learned that it is good to shut up and just work. Don't think about how shitty it is, just do what you are told. However this is the last time I think I will ever work as a deli person. First I can not deal with people barking things at me, I very nearly told a couple people a shift that no they could not have half a pound of turkey. Second it is a bad idea to yell at the person who is handling your food, don't know who still needs to wash their hands. Third I never want to cut into a bag of roast beef and get blood in my eyes ever again. Other than those complaints and the awful pay, I thought the job was a positive experience. One that I can live without repeating.

This past season of Venture Brothers was epic. That is the only appropriate word is Epic. Epic like Homer. The continuity of the story and the back stories provided are incredible. They are extremely silly but the fact that everything is tied together and had been set up since season one is extraordinary. Its like going back and rereading the harry potter series and seeing how many things that were mentioned in the first book were critical in the last one. This is all intentional of course, but the jokes and references that the characters make are perfect this season. The back story of The Monarch, Dr. Girlfriend-Wife, Billy and White and all of Team Venture are interesting. Then there are the sub-texts of the show: good vs evil, brother vs brother, brains vs brawn, failure and disillusionment, the boys sexuality, Brock's roll in the family, and what villainy is. Shareen has complained that she doesn't get the show, which is understandable. This show like a lot of comics, is almost impossible to jump into midstream, there is too much back story and idiosyncratcies. Also the show is only funny if you get all of the references, old comics/action movies, 80's music, and other randomness. Ultimately this season was a total success, unlike other shows where the third season signaled the beginning of the end: House and Monk for instance.

Lastly I am going to school on Friday. I am very excited about this. I am ready to go back to school. Home has been fun but it is time to go back to school meet people and do work. Boston will be a lot of fun and a great experience I think. It is odd to talk to my friends at Miami who are already in class doing work and stuff. I was shocked to see how many emails from teachers I had today when I looked at mymiami email today. I have no received that many from my teachers at Boston. For those of you wondering what I am taking: Swahili i, Freshman English, Calculus I and Economic Geography. Pumped for Geography and Swahili, scared for Calculus and uninterested in Freshman English - particularly because it is about Russian Literature. For those of you who don't know, I am living at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge this semester. Not a huge fan of living in a hotel but I have no other place to live. The saga of me trying to find a place to live is way too long to write about, but needless to say this was not my first choice.

Monday, August 18, 2008

10-11-12-13 Down, 39 To Go

Check my math but I am pretty sure that is right on the count. So I have read some stuff since I last blogged. I wasn't sure whether or not I would count three of them, but decided that they were unique enough that they should be counted separately.

10 Book: Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
Album: Sink Or Swim - The Gaslight Anthem

This has become quite a famous graphic novel. It is the autobiographical story of Satrapi growing up in post revolutionary Iran. It is quite a saga and was quite interesting to read. I actually read it awhile ago, right around graduation time. I could tell you about the Gaslight Anthem but I have already blogged about them and all I can say is BUY THIS RECORD. They also have a new one coming out soon which I am excited for.

In between Persepolis and the next three I read a good chunk of Gonzo, a biography on Hunter Thompson. I will finish this book, but it is not the most fun read. I can be summarized as people saying Hunter was a great guy and that he acted like an Ass most of the time. I also read in about an hour another book in the Y: The Last Man series. I will blog that book once I have read all of them. This same idea is true for the Walking Dead series.

11: Haunted Knight - Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
12: Long Halloween - Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
Album: Tha Carter III - Lil Wayne

This is where I started to read a lot of Batman. It was a little before the movie came out. Which if you are one of the few people to have not seen it, do yourself a favor and check it out. I do not think they could have made a darker or more topical film. Both of these books help create the basis for the new movie. The Long Halloween is especially influential on the Harvey Dent character. I didn't like Haunted Knight as much but oh well. I listened to the new Weezy disc a lot recently. It is actually really good and pretty bizarre. The rhymes are absurd and filled with space/death/drug themes in unique ways. The beats range dramatically from standard club stuff to what the hell is this. Overall though the disc is one of the best I have heard this year.

13: False Faces - Brian K. Vaughn
Album: 8 Diagrams - Wu-Tang Clan

Batman False Faces was okay not great. I bought it mostly because I am a big fan of Brian K Vaughn's other series, Y: The Last Man. The story he told was fine but nothing that interesting or adding to the Batman legend. Overall I kind of wished I had saved the cash and bought another Y but lesson learned. 8 Diagrams took multiple listens before I really liked it. It is an interesting record because Wu-Tang is sort unsure of its place hip hop currently. They are no longer producing the grimiest and most violent drug ridden rhymes, that goes to Clipse, nor do they produce the meanest beats, those go to El-P and the rest of Definitive Jux label. So they are left attempting to sound modern but classic. Which this album ultimately succeeds at.

Right now I am reading Spook Country by William Gibson, it is very good. Soon I will blog about my favorite TV Show: Venture Brothers. But for now this is all you get.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Lolla Recap: Something You Actually Want To Read

Lolla Fri

I got there way late. I had scheduling for Boston in the morning, my flight left at 1245 which made me nervous I wouldn't be able to schedule and get to my flight. Ultimately that was not a problem. The drive to the airport took forever causing me to miss the black keys which I was not happy about. I heard a couple songs walking into the show.

The first band I saw was cat power. It was pretty good. Lacks a lot of energy but that is the point. Chan is a great song writer so it makes up for a less energetic show. E and I left and walked over to watch grizzly bear for a while. They were pretty good, similar to Cat Power. Good to watch but not a whole lot going on. Still the sound was great and the set was strong. At this point Ethan and I split up cause he was tired and wanted to sit down and I left to see Raconteurs. Mistake on my part. It was really crowded so I couldn't see the stage. Also at various points they sounded like a bad Zeppelin cover band.

I left Raconteurs for three the hard way: Cool Kids, CSS,The Jicks. I first went to Cool Kids, they started late but brought lots of energy. I saw about a 1/4 of a set, they played Gold and a Pager, Mikey Rocks, a beastie boys freestyle and couple other songs. I hope they come around Boston cause they would totally be worth seeing again. CSS were a little disappointing, they had energy but left me wanting something. I got there right as they played Music is my Hot Hot Sex. I then heard a couple more songs, it was cool to see Lovefoxx body suit and a dancing girl on stage but otherwise it wasn't that sweet. The Jicks were great. Stephen Malkmus knows how to play and I love Pavement. And had the best stage banter "We are the Jicks, not Radiohead". They jammed for a little but kept it interesting. Probably the best of the three in all honesty. Colin stopped by and felt that they suck balls.

I would write about Radiohead but I don't think i can add anything to the conversation. I was a great show. I unfortunately had to take off cause of exhaustion. I wished I stuck around but oh well. There stage set up was incredibly cool and the fireworks were perfect. I will post a vids/photos.

Lolla Sat

First up is Ting Tings. This is where I met up with the crew. Harry, Pac, Steph and I meet up and went to Ting Tings. They were surprisingly good. Kind of like an upbeat bloc party. I can see why they used it for an ipod commercial. I only watched a couple songs of Dr. Dog from across the field I was not really impressed or interested. This may have been due to the heat.

From Dr. Dog we walked over to Mason Jennings/Dereks Bentley area. We were not planing to see Mason Jennings just sort of happened. He turned out to be really good. Would have fit nicely on a juno soundtrack. Dereks Bentley was fun. A little bit country a little bit rock n roll. I should have stuck around longer but oh well all part of the experience.

We to MGMT from there too Booka Shade. Mgmt had a huge crowd but they didnt have good sound. It was way way way too quiet. So after two songs Pac, E and I bounced. We walked over to Booka Shade which we met up with C. Booka Shade was crazy. They totally punked MGMT by being about 500x louder with mad bass. C looked to me and made sure that it wasn't just him that thought it was loud. I danced like an idiot but had a lot of fun.

Explosions in the Sky to Spankrock to Jamie Lidell. Now this was a mash up. The fam crew and I left booka shade to go see explosions. They were pretty good but we lacked the weed to make it a great show. After half hour we went to see spankrock. That was a lot of fun, and really dirty. Amanda Blank and the other girl who were up on stage freaked hard. The Plastic Little crew got up there eventually. It was a good time, from there Ethan and I went to Jamie Lidell. Colin left and went to uffie. Lidell was amazing he made his beats out of his own vocal samples. So he would beat box and stuff and eventually sample himself enough to create a new song. I have to see it again.

Lupe Fiasco was pretty good. Had real good flow and lots of energy which was need for such a large stage. Started it out with kick push which was probably the easiest way to psych up the crowd with losing the fewest people. Colin was backstage for the set and apparently lupe pumped him self up by staring at C looking like he was going to kill him. Good times

Sharon Jones was a lot of fun. And the band was tight. They kept that shit on lock and everyone in the crowd was dancing. Too bad I didn't have a dance partner. I really want to see her again, for a full performance. The Dap Tones know how to play and she works the stage as good as anyone I have seen.

Wilco were pleasent. Every time I was just about to leave they played a song that I liked. The ominous sounds of rage were coming from the other end of the park and I kind of wished I saw them. Then again I hear that they had to stop the show and get people to chill out which I wasn't exactly looking for. Oh well Wilco put on a great show anyway, and I am trying to break your heart is a great song.

Lolla Sun

White Lies first band i saw. I was on the side of the stage trying to get there for the weakerthans. The Weakerthans canceled so i watched White Lies. They are pretty good. The 11am Chicago sun does not match their music style but have to pay your dues. They played solid dance rock. Much like the killers or bravery, if I heard them in high school I would have loved them. I heard them now, and I still think they are way good.

What Made Millwaki Famous/The Whigs these guys were playing while I was walking around trying to find my friends. They played very serviceable rock. I was not blown away but they did a good job. They had the awful job of opening the show in the heat, on the last day and get people to care.

John Butler Trio these guys could play. Everyone at Lolla could play but these guys could really play. They were a jam band but damn if it wasn't a good time. The songs were great, C and I listened to a lot of them in the artist lounge playing ping pong, which is specifically what the music is made for.

Amadou and Mariam or what I refereed to as the African Band. This was an amazing set. They played ultra global, ultra funky music. Serving as inspiration for Talking Heads and Vampire Weekend, only this band has way more soul. I stood on the stage for the show, rocking out next to me were guys from flogging molly and nine inch nails. The band is couple who meet at the Mali Institute for the Blind. It is a very compelling back story. Sort of thing that makes me want to take Swahili and help Africa.

Iron and Wine and Flogging Molly I listened to from behind the gates in the Lollalounge. I have decided that this is the way to go. If your going to spend the money to go to Lolla, get the lounge pass. Free food, free alc, better bathrooms, close to the stage and most importantly a place to sit and get out of the sun. Iron and Wine were a very pleasant band. C and I played ping pong back in the artist lounge watching Sam from Iron and wine write his set list. The music almost puts you to sleep in the heat and three margaritas in you. Flogging Molly did not put me to sleep. In fact they woke me up and shocked me with how good they were. I had sort of forgotten about them. Relegating them to that high school section of my itunes that I no longer listen to. Yet there songs made me want to hop out of the lounge and go mosh, that was until I had another beer and decided it was easier to stay in the shade.

Love and Rockets I did not really watch these guys either. I wasn't sitting in the lounge I was walking around trying to get backstage for the national. I liked the song "so alive" unfortunately the rest of their set was not as good. They were kind of a bad blend of goth and the rolling stones, which is how the dressed as well.

The National played a great set. They played most of Boxer and a good chunk of Alligator. They opened strong with Start a War and stayed strong ending with ADA, Fake Empire and Mr. November. Now if there is a better way to end a set I do not know it, with the possible exception of Optomistic, 2+2=5 and Idiotque. The mix was a little muddy but it always is. It was great to see these guys have such a huge draw, especially since lots of people were getting ready for Kanye and Nine Inch Nails.

Nine Inch Nails was the second best show I saw this festival. The light show that went on was incredible and I was surprised at just how good the songs were. Nine Inch Nails for me frequently get filed away as dumb Kroq music. This is not true, Reznor has a very cynical and angry world view but makes great music. The show was broken in several parts: the hits, the noise, ghosts, trip-hop and hits part II. All of which was broken up by some of the best staging that I have ever seen. The show was populated by a group whose rallying cry was "FUCK Kanye!" and by the end of it I was shouting it right along with them.

Trip Recap/Random Notes

Trip Recap:

• 5:30 up for flight to Boston, that is way too early
• Flight to Boston - Get sick and hate life. Although learn that Samuari Chapaloo is an awesome show.
• Get to Boston, take the T with a migrane go straight to room pass out
• Meet my roommate for the session, he is from Hong Kong, his accent fucks with me the entire time.
• Go downstairs and meet up with a mix of transfers and freshmen. All transfers have some tie to CA and seems like everyone smokes.
• The rooms dont have air conditioning with probably doesnt matter a whole lot but fuck it was hot and humid during the session.
• My roommate wakes up way earlier than me everyday thinking that its a good idea to get up, I beg to differ.
• I get woken up by the real estate agent, the apartment is way cool and I thought the interview went well with the girl but apparently not since I didnt get the place.
• I see the wackness, not that hot or wack but seeing mary kate making out with Sir Ben was kinda crazy.
• I spent most of the day on thrusday doing mostly nothing but the night time had cool activities.
• I scheduled early friday morning. Got all my classes. God knows if I can pull all this shit off.
• You can read another post with all the crazy Lolla coverage.
• Day after lolla we went around Chi-Town. It was pretty cool though seemed like we got a way late start.
• Went to Dave's it was alright. Me and the Boys played kickball with the cousins. Then there was a tornado which was kinda crazy to be in.
• On tuesday we flew to Ny which was ok, flight attendant was a bitch but I kept it real, it went wrong. I had been on the road for a week now
• We stayed at the Palace New York which is right on Madison and 52nd. One block from 5th and like 15 from time square. Primo Real Estate. Kinda wasted on my sorry ass but I enjoyed it greatly.
• My mom felt sick after the flight the boys and I went to a way good italian place many things were discussed deeply like E's hair, Fashion, Junk, The city, and work.
• Wednesday we walked around New York. It was sick. We went to the Fricke which had really good impresionist paintings. Not my favorite style but still incredible. Then we went to the Met. This is the museum, I love that place. Everyone should visit.
• Wednesday night we went to a way good steak house, I guess the day before Tom Brady was there. We all agreed he does not have a bad life.
• Thrusday was a good day. Esteban, C and I went shopping down in SoHo, which was way cool. We also saw the New Museum which kind of freaked C out, he also described it as pretty gay. Standard reaction. My mom and Ethan went to the natural history museum. I had been to it several times although not in a long time. They said the horse exhibition was lacking, and we all agreed people love horses.
• At night we saw Avenue Q which was a good play although there were several awkward moments sitting next to my mom. My uncle saw it with us, he showed up late to it of course. We then went to some Deli place right by time square, my mom described it as one step above a Bus Station. Mark ate with his hands in a very primitive way.
• Friday morning Esteban C and I went to niketown to try and get hyperdunks, they didnt have any. We went to a watch store, my dad foudn a couple he liekd but didnt get any. We went back to the hotel having accomplished little. My mom and I went shopping again, looking for this one jewelry we saw in a magazine for Shareen, never foudn it. Instead we went to Ann taylor, Lacoste and Nike. Got some way good stuff.

Random Notes:

• Boston seems to have students more like me.
• This trip has made me want to go and get fresh hip-hop/r&b. Feels a little wierd but whatever it all works.
• Three Cities in two weeks constantly going on public transportation and public areas has gotten me sick. I know feel for touring musicians.
• Fashion costs way too much
• Radiohead is a band that has to be seen at night before you die
• Ed Hardy, while gaudy, has some pretty cool shirts and the guy behind it has a pretty sweet life it looks like
• I want to go to clubs, but I hace heard that Boston is lacking in good 18-21 year old clubs. Apparently they don't operate if they cant sell alk
• I am excited for the olypmics. I always like watching the events that dont have a dozen americans in it.
• First Class is a really nice way to travel. Though Jet Blue is pretty humane.
• Doing work all the time and dropping total devisation is no way to live.
• This trip there was way too much talk and viewing of junk.
• Maybe it was always this way but I am not sure why contemporary artists are so obbsessed with the dick.
• I walked down the street in new york and would go for long periods of not hearing engligh at all.
• Drivers in NYC are nuts. The taxi drivers work it hard, The driver we had was a pro, got us there way quick.
• Time Square has gone from one type of hell to another: from a Hooker Dangerous Drug Ridden Hell to a Las Vegas and Disney fake empire.
• I have become a shopper and spent way too much money this trip.
• If I could do it al again I would, it was way fun. Thanks family!