Monday, December 15, 2008

21 Down, 31 To Go

Book: Tales of Beedle the Bard - J.K. Rowling
Music: Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant EP

I am a huge Harry Potter fan, have been forever. So when this book came out I was pumped even if it wasn't going to about Harry. It was a fun read. Not super deep or long, but it was entertaining. Dumbledore's commentary was funny and I liked how it all tied into the stories. I just took a russian literature class and all I read was short stories. I read this book in one sitting, I was unable to read any of the assigned readings in one sitting. Makes you wonder about what the definition of a short story should be.

Fleet Foxes have blown up this year. Their various albums are in the running for the best of the year. I have listened to the Sun Giant EP many times, including reading the book. They make great music. I have heard it described as Bro-Mance music, which is oddly accurate.

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