Friday, February 10, 2006

Ten things

Ten Things

1. The second line of something that I read today:
American History is not begin taught in our schools
-Punishment Park booklet

2. A weekend is complete if I:
Find a new song I like and hang out with friends

3. The favorite placed I've lived:
New York City or Vienna

4. My favorite airport is:
Burlington or Long Beach

5. My least favorite airport is:
John Wayne or Miami

6. IÂ’d like to visit:
London, Boston, or SanFranciscoo

7. IÂ’d like to revisit:
Vienna or Budapest

8. (Can be true) Something I could send to PostSecret:
Somebody got murdered
And it' left me with a touch

9. I envy this blog design:
Kevin Verbal's is suprisingly well done

10. I felt emotional after this movie:
Reservoiror Dogs - Anger
Punishment Park - distrust
Clerks - apathy
Casablanca - Desire
Heathers - hope
Underworld - urge to vomit

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