Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wilco and Obey

Currently on Wilco's website is a live recording of Wilco and Fleet Foxes covering Bob Dylan's "I Shall Be Released".  To get this recording all you have to do is enter your name and email.  Oh and pledge that you will vote.  All in all that seems to be a pretty fair trade off.  Its a great recording and pretty good song.  So go get that ish.

Obey is an amazing brand and Shepard Fairy is one of my heroes.  This is one of the latest things from the Obey website:


Here are the two most important things to know about the current situation in Darfur, Sudan:

1) There is currently a resolution before the UN Security Council that if passed would override the arrest warrant for Pres Bashir for Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes of Genocide. This would not only undermine the months and years of work by the ICC and the lives that have been risked to bring this information forward, but it would show to the world that Genociders can go free if they are the heads of state and show the UN and ICC are incapable of governing the capability to Veto this resolution and set in motion the arrest of Bashir and hopefully an end to the Genocide in Sudan.

2) The Government of Sudan (GOS) recently attacked one of the largest IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) Camps in Southern Darfur. Kalma Camp, located outside of Nyala has more than 150,000 occupants. During this attack, 37 civilians were killed, many of whom were children under 11 years old. The GOS is now in the process of building up its military presence around the camp in what many think is in preparation for another larger attack. This cannot be allowed to happen. Pressure must be put on the US and the UN to deploy the UNAMID forces to this camp to stop this attack. In addition, our media must cover these evolving events and put them on the “front page” to let the GOS know that the world is watching and we will not stand by and allow the killing of innocent civilians.

Do you part to stop the killings in Darfur; write your congressman, donate, or even just join a protest group.

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