Sunday, January 22, 2006

Goals in life....Hemingway style

1. Get wicked freakin drunk
2. Fight a Bull
3. Fight a War
4. Own a bar and get drunk in it
5. Write a book
6. Have sex with many many women
7. Write a good book
8. Fight the Poet laureate
9. Drink Many People under the table
10. Tell Rival Author that he has a small Penis
11. Attack every poet I meet
12. Kill a zebra
13. Catch a Marlin
14. Go Big Game hunting
15. GO deep sea fishing
16. Survive a plane crash
17. Have a manly and tough beard
18. Create a genre of fiction that is appealing to men and completely hated by women
19. Have it
20. Kill myself, when I realize I have lost it

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