Friday, January 06, 2006

Moshing, Photos, and Girl Trouble

So this week was fun because I turned 18. That was ok but what was cool was I got to go to Social Distortion. It was one of the best concerts, if not the best, of my life. I went with my friend Trent and we saw the opening band who were very good and then Social D who played a great set and did some amazing covers. I had my first ever crowd surfer, which was pretty fun. Later in he week I presented my photo project which was good. It was kinda bizarre since my images did not correspond literally to the song but what I felt the artist would have wanted if he was looking at my pictures. It was of course a Bright Eyes song because I am artsy like that. Basketball won tonight against Whitney. I am having trouble with a girl and her personality. I am hoping to chalk it up to simply she does not know me well and is a sophomore and is expecting something else because I am a senior. But really who knows?

top 5
1. The blood Brothers - Ambulance vs. Ambulance
2. Social Distortion - Mommys Little Monster
3. The smithereens - Behind The Wall of Sleep
4. The Smiths - Shoplifters of the World Unite
5. Aesop Rock - Daylight

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